UCCNC machine controller software


- Supports UC100, UC300 and UC400ETH motion controllers.
- Control up to 6 axes..
- RS274 G and M code execution.
- Freely programmable user macro scripts.
- 400kHz max. stepping frequency. (selectable 25kHz, 50kHz, 100kHz, 200kHz, 400kHz, 20us, 10us, 5us, 2.5us, 1.25us pulse width). Note: The max. stepping frequency depends on the type of motion controller.
- Exact stop and constant speed interpolation modes with modern look-ahead.
- G54..G59 coordinate systems, tool length compensation and G52/G92 temporary offset.
- 3D toolpath view.
- OpenGL screen optimized for fast screen refresh and low CPU and GPU processor usage.
- Built-in visual screen editor.
- 48 configurable hotkeys.
- 48 configurable input triggers, connecting inputs to UCCNC function calls.
- 48 configurable output triggers, connecting virtual LEDs to the physical outputs of the motion controller.
- Parametric programmability using internal variables and formulas.
- THC control for plasma cutting machines. (M205 and M206 macros and THC inputs)
- Screenset screens for milling and plasma cutting machines.
- Modbus TCP, RTU and ASCII communication via Modbus plugin.
- M10/M11 macros for fast, synchronous output switching for laser applications.
- G33 and G76 spindle synchronous movements with incremental encoder feedback.
- G33.1 and G33.2 synchronous tapping for main spindle with synchronized automatic Z-axis feed..
- Wired MPG and UCR200 wireless MPG support.
- Built-in CAM module for importing DXF files..
- Adjustable continuous ticking compensation.
- Plugin interface with Visual C# example plugin.
- Laser raster image engraving plugin, webcam plugin, Xbox gamepad control plugin.
- Fast optimized communication, quick reaction from button press to event.
- Running in demo mode (simulation) without connecting a license key and/or UC100 motion controller.

- Compatible with the following operating systems: Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 all 32 and 64-bit versions.

Downloads for this product:

1.) User's manual
2.) UCCNC software installer (official release)
3.) UCCNC software installer (developer release)
4.) Software prerequisites (required for Windows XP)

Video tutorials:
Switching to newer versions 1.0xxx - 1.1xxx vagy 1.0xxx - 1.2xxx or 1.1xxx - 1.2xxx software main version

It is not recommended to use the profile file created with the older major version software with the new major version software. When migrating, we recommend creating and using a new profile file with the new major version number of the software.
There is a significant difference between the different major version number software releases. The newer main versions contain a large amount of new things and improvements compared to the older versions, so if the continuous usability of the machine is critical, we recommend that when you migrate, you install the new version in a separate directory, leaving the old version installed and only then deleting the old version , if the new version has already been set up and we have made sure that all the functions we need are working properly.

Software download here!



UC300-5LPT ETH CNC mozgásvezérlő

Az UC300-5LPT modul az UC100 nagyobb testvérének első tagja. A modul úgy lett kialakítva, hogy 5db LPT portnyi ki és bemenetek vannak IDC-26 csatlakozókra kivezetve, melyek lábkiosztása kompatibilis a LPT porttal. Az 5LPT portból 2 normál és 3 bővített bemenetű. Összesen 36db 5V-os digitális kimenet és 49db 5V-os digitális bemenet található rajta, melyek szabadon konfigurálhatóak. A sok digitális ki és bemenet mellett 2 analóg kimenet és 2 analóg bemenetet is tartalmaz. Az analóg kimenetek közvetlen 0-10V-os jelet szolgáltatnak, így egyszerű illeszteni frekvenciaváltóhoz.  

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